Italy has proposed this week (Law Decree 193) to introduce extensive new VAT filing requirements from 1 January 2017. The changes will be confirmed in the forthcoming weeks.
Quarterly VAT returns
There is a new requirement for quarterly VAT filings. Currently VAT registered businesses only make monthly or quarterly VAT payments without supporting filings. The reporting deadline, whether VAT is due monthly or quarterly, is the last day of the second month following the quarter end.
Spesometro filing replaced by quarterly invoice listing
The annual Spesometro filing of sales and purchase invoices (including intra-community supplies and exports/imports) will now become a quarterly requirement. The filing deadline will be the last day of the second month after the quarter end.
2018 Annual VAT filing
The regular Annual VAT return will be due by 30 April 2018. The 2016 filing deadline is 28 February 2017.
Abolition of Intrastat declarations
The requirement for a monthly listing of intra-community acquisitions of goods and services is to be withdrawn from the start of 2017. Data on cross-border transactions will instead be provided by the quarterly invoice listing.
Abolition of Blacklist filings
The annual Blacklist filing by companies detailing all their transactions with countries on a black list is to be abolished, too.
The post Italian VAT filings changes appeared first on Avalara VATLive.